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Front-End Web Developer


My profile showcases my passion and experience as a frontend developer with a focus on web technologies. With a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I bring creativity and innovation to my projects. I have honed my skills through hands-on experience and working with various popular frameworks and libraries, allowing me to create responsive and dynamic interfaces.



Front-End Web Developer 2020 - 2021

State University of Moldova

Economic 2013-2017

Financial and Banking College

Economic 2009 - 2013


  • English (A2)
  • Russian (Fluent)
  • Moldavian (A2)

About me

I am an enthusiastic frontend developer with experience in web technologies. I have a strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as hands-on experience with popular frameworks and libraries. As a detail-oriented developer, I strive to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces that provide an exceptional user experience.

I also pay attention not only to creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces but also to SEO and PageSpeed optimization. Understanding the importance of visibility in search engines and website performance, I implement SEO practices and strive to optimize page loading times.

I have a strong understanding of responsive web design, enabling my projects to seamlessly adapt to various devices and screen sizes. With a keen focus on writing clean and user-friendly code, I always strive to follow best coding practices and industry standards.

With a creative mindset, I enjoy collaborating with designers and fellow developers, transforming design concepts into functional and efficient web applications. My continuous eagerness to learn new technologies and stay updated on the latest industry trends enables me to create innovative and cutting-edge solutions.

As a frontend developer, I find fulfillment in crafting intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces that positively impact end-users. I am eager to tackle new challenges and contribute to creating remarkable digital experiences.


  • HTML5 (BEM)
  • CSS3
  • Sass / SCSS
  • Flexbox / Grid
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery Libraries
  • WordPress
  • npm / Yarn
  • Gulp / Webpack
  • Figma / Photoshop / PDF
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Perfect Pixel
  • SEO / PageSpeed


UpWork (Freelance)

Front-End Web Developer From 2021 to Present

My main responsibility is developing responsive websites for clients based on web designers' mockups. I collaborate with clients to understand their requirements and propose customized solutions. I create visually appealing and user-friendly websites tailored to specific client needs.

I utilize HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build interactive and visually engaging user interfaces. The use of SASS preprocessors optimizes styles and enhances maintainability. To enhance website functionality, I incorporate frameworks and libraries.

I regularly analyze code and conduct optimizations to improve website loading speed. Leveraging my expertise in CSS animations and transitions, I add interactive elements that provide a pleasant user experience.

Weblancer (Freelance)

Front-End Web Developer From 2021 to Present

My main task is to develop responsive websites for clients. When collaborating with clients, I strive to understand their requirements and offer personalized solutions. Cross-browser compatibility, valid, and adaptive coding methods are at the core of my development process.

I transform projects from PSD, Sketch, Figma, Zeplin, and Adobe XD into fully functional websites. My experience lies in creating adaptive and responsive websites that adjust to different screen sizes and devices.


Front-End Web Developer From 2021 to Present

My task as a freelancer is to provide web development services with a focus on creating high-quality and responsive websites. I aim to meet the clients' needs and offer customized solutions that align with their objectives.

  • Cross-browser compatible, valid, and responsive coding. Only clean and understandable code.
  • I convert designs from PSD, Sketch, Figma, Zeplin, and Adobe XD into fully functional websites.
  • Adaptability, responsiveness (responsive design), and fluidity.
  • CSS3/JS website animations.
  • Maintenance, content management, and support for websites and e-commerce platforms.

